Todo Tab
“A privacy-first todo list for those who spend most of the time with the browser.”
Download ExtensionSpending most of the day with your browser, this is for you!

“Identify your task faster”
Todo Tab parses your task description and looks for activities (verb)like call, meeting, reply, etc. and show it in different colours. This feature improves the readability of the list and helps you to recognise as well as recall the context faster.

“Customize your colour codes”
By default Todo Tab provides and a standard set of verbs for you to start. Also, gives you the flexibility to create custom colour codings with special characters. And for the colours, the app provides a palette of 8 colours.

If you like to know about the story behind this project, you can check it out here. Also, you can read the reviews on Product Hunt, The American Genius and Life Hacker Japan.
Version 1.0.0 ✔
Released on August 22, 2017
A simple todo list where you can add, delete and check task. Introducing colour coding with a standard set of activities: send, mail, reply, post, call, meeting, discuss, brainstorm, buy, get, book, order, work, personal, write, draft and publish.
Version 2.0.0 ✔
Released on November 27, 2017
The most awaited functions are getting forged in our guild. From this release onwards you can start creating your custom colour codings. In case if you have spelling mistakes in your task description, now onwards you can start editing them. Along with that you can hide all your finished task or clear all of them in one go. Forget to mention, one thing, you can reorder the list too!
Version 3.0.0
Development Started
Shhh… Currently it's a secret, will announce the details soon!
Currently the extension is only available for Chrome Browser. But no worries, all other platforms including mobile are on the roadmap.
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Credits: Jaison Justus, Rabi C Shah, Suyash Katiyar
Special thanks for writing feedback: Les Viragh Jr., Gary Elle, Nicole Fetscher, Kimberly Wolfson, Jake Carni, Sridhar Rajendran, Jocelyn, Arun Chandrasekaran, Sudarsh M.S, Russell Jamison and Kiran Savadatti