05 Oct 2015
Samagri is CSS authoring helper files based on SASS which helps you to manage typography, colours and responsiveness. Samagri contains three helper files
- pallete.scss
- typography.scss
- viewport.scss
Pallete manages all your color codes used in the project. you can register a colour hex code with respect to some name that you like or pantone name (eg: PMS-2717: #A5BAE0).
Color Registry
/* Color Pallete */
$pallete : (
pure-white: #FFF,
patone: #EEE,
custom-name: #DDD,
us: #27AE60,
pure-black: #000,
@mixin color( name, property, important )
- name: As defined in the color registry for corresponding hex code.
- property: bg - background color, color - font color and border - border color
- important: Bool make the property important
.klass {
@include color('pure-white');
@include color('pure-black', 'bg');
@include color('us', 'border');
Typography helps you to manage font and corresponding typeset using in the project. now a days lot of people started using multiple fonts in there projects.
Font Registry
/* Fonts Register */
$fonts : (
'georgia': 'georgia',
'lato' : 'Lato'
Typeset Registry
Typeset register helps you to map the font-weight to meaning full tag.
$typesets : (
'georgia': (
'regular': 400
'lato' : (
'light' : 300,
'regular' : 400,
'bold' : 700,
'extra-bold' : 900
@mixin font( name, type, size, line_height )
- name: Font name. eg: Lato, Georgia etc
- type: Font weight tag. eg: bold, extra-bold etc
- size: Font size. eg: 16px, 2em etc
- line_height(Optional): Line height eg: 1.4, 20px etc
.klass {
@include font('georgia', 'regular', 18px, 1.4);
@function em( font_size, base_font_size )
- font_size: Font size in pixel you want to convert base_font_size: (Optional) default font size.
.klass {
@include font('georgia', 'regular', 18px, 1.4);
Viewport helps you to manage your break points. viewport default gives you the standard device breakpoints, print media and custom content break points.
@mixin respond-to( device, min_width )
Devices | Breakpoint | Orientaion |
small-phone-p | 320px | portrait |
small-phone-l | 320px | landscape |
small-phone-lp | 320px | landscape and portrait |
large-phone-p | 480px | portrait |
large-phone-l | 600px | landscape |
large-phone-lp | 480px | landscape and portait |
tablet-p | 768px | portrait |
tablet-l | 768px | landscape |
tablet-lp | 768px | landscape and portait |
medium-screen | 992px | |
large-screen | 1440px | |
content | custom content breakpoint | |
for print media |
.klass {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
@include respond-to('small-screen-l') {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
@include respond-to('print') {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
@include respond-to('content', '500px' ) {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
@import 'base/pallete';
@import 'base/typography';
@import 'base/viewport';
.klass {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
@include font('georgia', 'regular', em(18));
@include color('pure-white');
@include color('bg', 'pure-black');
@include color('border', 'us');
@include respond-to('small-screen-l') {
width: 400px;
height: 400px;

CSS authoring helpers based on SASS.